Freitag, 18. Februar 2011

full moon

found this monster in a pile of scribbles done for a job during summer.
I like his shape and thought he deserved better fostering...

Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2011

T-Shirt Submission

Thanks to Torbens suggestion I submitted the penguins to Threadless (a T-shirt and print site with some really nice designs) for a special competition - a design for a shirt and a Thermos.

Oi, and there's only one day left for scoring!
So please, you lovely (three? :) ) people who actually look at my blog, vote for my naked-penguins-design. You have to register though, in order to shop, score, submit your own and/or comment.

And here is the link: suit down!
Thanks in advance!

Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2011

Vogel Postkarte

Oi, die Vorsätze für 2011 (unter anderem mehr posten...) müssen wohl erst greiffen, aber noch sind ja reichlich Monate übrig. Übrigens ist der Vogel des Jahres der Gartenrotschwanz, der Glückliche.